Through years of design testing and old-fashioned trial and error, we have developed sure fire ways to increase the response rate for your flyers.
Although every flyer is unique and creativity is mostly a good thing, there are certain guidelines to follow that will ensure your flyer generates revenue for your business. Here are a few items to consider when developing a new small business flyer advertising campaign:
1. Headline
Your headline must draw attention and motivate a reader to take action.
Good Example: Want Fresh Flowers? Call Us!
Bad Example: Mary’s Flower Shop
2. Your Services/Products
Do not simply list services – instead, show people how they solve problems.
Good Example: Having A Birthday Party? Our Bounce Houses Will Add Fun To Your Event!
Bad Example: Bounce House Rentals
3. Branding/Enhance Your Reputation
Take the opportunity to personalize your ad and warm-up to locals.
Good Example: Our family-owned business has proudly served the Chesterfield area for 15 years.
Bad Example: Operating since 1993
4. Poor Images/Graphics
Every good flyer MUST have high-quality images that sell!
Good Example: High-resolution photos of an item from your catering menu
Bad Example: Clip art or images taken from the internet that are not designed for flyer printing
5. Misuse of Space
Always print on both sides in full-color. Use as much “real estate” as possible with good design basics in mind.
Good Example: A blance of text, images, and branding with full contact information found easily on both sides of flyer.
Bad Example: Too much text, difficult to read, blurry images, no clear “selling point”, no logo, not in full-color.
6. Poor Planning
It’s easy to tell when a flyer was “thrown together” and when a company took the time to do things right.
Good Example: Check your Sunday newspaper and look at the print advertisements. Most will be very concise.
Bad Example: Look at flyers or mail that you receive and instantly throw away…ask yourself – why did you throw it away?
7. Choosing the Wrong Flyer Printing Company
Always choose a fair-priced, experienced, and communicative printing company for flyer printing. Most will even send you free samples in the mail!
Good Example: A printer with references and live customer service reps that answer the phone every time you call.
Bad Example: A printing company that has poor response time or is difficult to communicate with.
Check out our resource section for printers we are currently using.