Social media profiles help customers understand your company. If you value social media marketing and dedicate work time to refreshing information on social profiles, it helps to use shortcuts to deciding what information is most helpful. This article offers five ways to post appealing information on your company’s social media profiles.
1. Provide the latest information about your business under the appropriate social profiles, including your profiles on LinkedIn, MySpace, and Facebook. You can include information you normally post on other web services. Think about the latest content updates to the main company website, the company blog, and the news release distribution service (i.e. PR Newswire). Excerpts from or links to public releases, for example, might fit on social media pages.
2. Design a computerized schedule for how often you will log in and read customer comments and inquiries on social media profiles. You can supplement this strategy by using the automated notification feature for each media application. For example, Facebook will notify you when someone adds you as a “friend” or leaves a comment on your wall. Another option is to use a software robot program or an employee to scan your profiles. Customers prefer a timely response to their posts. If customers do not expect a response, they might also offer good suggestions for improving your social media content.
3. Offer an advantage to customers who subscribe to your social profile updates. For example, you can offer advance notice about special discounts for your company’s goods and services. If you publish special offers on a regular basis, customers will have an incentive for checking back for content updates.
4. Remember the importance of precision in updating multiple profiles. If a customer’s first contact occurs through LinkedIn, something about your profile, comments, articles, and company details must convince her to click on the link and explore your company website. One way to monitor desired information concerns the use of webmaster tools. Study the traffic to your social profiles. To what degree is your MySpace profile responsible for increasing hits to your website?
5. Evaluate whether videos and photos on your social profiles inform customers. It is tempting to post photos and videos to entertain social media consumers. Remember fluff does not inform your audience because readers move onto meaningful content. Each Facebook post should meet one of your marketing objectives.
Creating a social media profile is easy, but posting the right kind of content requires more skill. Use social media networks to extend your marketing program in the most advantageous ways. You will achieve a better return on investment by posting content on LinkedIn enticing consumers to the company website. Once visitors click on the website, your company web pages should convince them to hire your services or purchase your products.