As you read this you will begin to feel like every piece of ad copy, every sales letter, every e-mail marketing e-mail you’ve read was secretly hiding something from you.
Have you ever read a sales page and felt like you couldn’t resist the urge to buy?
That’s right my friend, you have fallen victim to at least 2 or 3 of the 7 hidden elements of highly persuasive ad copy, without being consciously aware of it. Even right now as you read this, these hidden elements are unfolding and being gradually revealed to you, one by one.
The first of these elements is repetition.
Did you notice how I used the word “every” over and over again in the first sentence of this article? How about when I mentioned to you reading a sales letter and “not being able to resist the URGE to BUY”? This was the second element, embedded commands. The secret to pulling this off is to do it in such a subtle way that your reader doesn’t realize you’re doing it. This my friend, takes practice but as you read this, you will discover more and more how simple it is to do.
Emotions are the third hidden element of highly persuasive ad copy because people often buy with emotion and justify with logic. Just imagine feeling very happy and excited about all the money you’ll be making once you buy that new e-book or join that new network marketing program, or purchase that marketing system you wanted. People buy things that make them feel good, that’s it, plain and simple.
Using highly persuasive ad copy that pulls your readers in like a magnet is just like having a license to print money! Did you know that I just used the fourth hidden element of highly persuasive ad copy right underneath your nose? That’s right, using colloquial phrases like “license to print money” and “pulls your readers in like a magnet”.
These words and phrases literally jump off the page and into the subconscious minds of your readers. It’s just like the fifth hidden element of highly persuasive ad copy, subconscious mind control. Not like the kind Jim Jones used when he persuaded hundreds of people to drink poisoned kool aid, but more like the kind savvy marketers use on you every single day, without you being consciously aware of it.
You can’t persuade someone to do something they really don’t want to do. When your words create these powerful psychological emotions within your prospects, they are motivating themselves to experience the emotions you’re describing to them. Your words allow them to sell themselves on your product or service.
Did you notice as you read this that I kept giving you commands that made you want to continue reading? That is the sixth hidden element of highly persuasive ad copy, what I like to call “copy commands”. These are also embedded commands like you learned about earlier in this article, and they’re designed to get you to keep reading.
You, just like everyone else who reads this article have experienced repetition, embedded commands, emotions, colloquial catch phrases, subconscious mind control, and copy commands. As you read this you may have been wondering what the seventh and final elements is… it’s YOU. Without you the reader, this article could not do what it’s supposed to do. It was designed to teach you how to sell with words so you don’t have to dial for dollars.
Great sales copy is just like money in the bank, but you have to be aware of WHO you’re marketing to. You must know what your customers want, and tap into the minds and emotions of those customers. Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them. This is the secret formula to writing highly persuasive ad copy. Now you can go out into the world and use the thoughts, techniques and ideas to increase response to your business advertising.