What a difference 10 years make. In the past 24 hours, a resource we didn’t even have a decade ago has become a primary medium — not only for finding out about important news but also for sharing it and reacting to it.
News of terrorist Osama bin Laden’s death has been spreading across the social web with a speed and volume only seen in the most dramatic world events. In fact, many of you heard the news via Twitter or Facebook before turning to traditional news sources.
You might have even turned to such services to express your feelings about the news, as well.
We’ve written a lot about the social web’s reaction to bin Laden’s destruction (see list of stories below the slideshow). Here’s a roundup showing how various services were used over the past 24 hours to spread news, to connect people and to allow us to express our mixed emotions of elation, anger and — for some — doubt over one of 2011′s biggest news stories.
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