Creativity is what creates and sustains life. More than often, you need to think out of the box and to come up with new ideas, especially if you want to prove to someone important that you deserve to win a prize or to be hired. You also need creativity when writing an article, promoting a product or solving a problem that does not require postponement.
However, you can’t just create creativity out of nothing, nor summon it whenever you want. Training your creativity muscles require more than a few hours spent in front of the computer, thinking. Moreover, a brainstorming won’t suffice. You might need much more than that.
The following tips can help you come up with creative ideas, helping you to get that edge you need in order to thrive in everyday activities.
A Moderate Noise Level
First of all, it is important to shut the door when you need to think and to become creative. However, it is important to maintain a moderate level of ambient noise. A group of researchers from the University of Illinois conducted a study which proved their unique theory – distractions which disrupt the flow of thinking will seldom lead to more creative thinking. Even if it might sound bizarre, their study revealed that the human brain was not designed to work at a maximum efficiency without any background noise. This is why many students can learn better while listening to music. Noise has to be at a moderate level of about 70 decibels in order to boost your creativity.
In a nutshell, if you need to think of a creative solution to a pressing problem, move your office at a close café or on a park bench. The moderate noise level will enhance the thinking process, leading to a more creative outcome.
Make Some Environmental Changes
In addition to leveraging the benefits offered by cafés or park benches, you need to experiment further with your work environment. According to various studies, classical music and especially Mozart’s sonatas can have a very positive impact on creative thinking and spatial reasoning skills. Of course, you don’t have to change only the music you are listening to. Try to experiment with color for example. If the color red is well known for its performance boosting benefits, blue leads to a more relaxed, creative thinking.
Avoid Linear Solutions
One of the most famous entrepreneurs and business owners once said: ” Most of the business owners today haven’t had a very diverse experience. This is why they have very few dots to connect, and more than often they end up with a linear solution.” You know who we are talking about. It’s Steve Jobs, the famous ex-CEO of Apple. He realized that the best path to inventive and creative thinking is stepping out of the comfort zone. When you want to experience new things in life, you are already on the right path to becoming more creative and happier with yourself.
Start doing things you don’t normally do, especially when you experience a creative block. Attend a different event, have lunch with an old friend or throw a backyard party. Because you can’t know where an idea will come from, keep your eyes open and look anywhere for inspiration.
Work Less and Relax More
You can’t think, nor to be creative, when you work 12/24. Try to avoid that common mindset called: “getting things done”. Instead, try to have some free time every day to meditate and relax. When you need to take a crucial decision, it’s important to have a clear mind. Experiment and relax more and work less. You will soon notice the difference.
Be Creative
Many times our worst enemy is our inner critic. You want to try something new, but a voice inside you says that you will fail badly. Of course, we usually listen to that annoying voice, but this is a huge mistake we really need to avoid. Our own inner critic is probably the best at shooting things down, so why not “shoot him down” in the first place?
Look at children – they are not afraid to make mistakes. When they fall, they stand up again, more powerful and confident than ever before. Don’t let your inner critic block your creativity. Silence that voice and start to be creative from now on! You will never regret your decision.
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