Having a good presence in social media is now one of the most crucial aspects of running an organization. Consumers now spend most of their time on the Internet with social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook. Impressing your social media community and audiences is extremely important in order to stay relevant and maintain interest in your product. But how exactly do you do that?
Be Down to Earth — you don’t want to sound automated in your social media posts, because your audience will not be able to relate to you and whether or not you sound human will make the difference between a user skimming over you, or clicking on the link that you posted. Showcase your team by posting photos of organization events, post photos of your employees with a short bio, remind your audience that you are human with emotions and desires that they can relate to.
Show Your Appreciation
Make your audience feel loved and appreciated on a regular basis. Do promotions that acknowledges your audience and send out a thank you every few weeks. This is important when it comes to maintaining your audience and recruiting new community members.
Take Your Time To Make a Good First Impression
Your posts should not only be informative, but positive as well. First impressions are especially important and keeping your posts professional and positive will make a difference between a supporter and a drifter. When you are first starting out on social media, know that there is no shame in going slow. Establishing a good reputation is crucial to the survival of your social media platforms. Recruiting community members by spamming websites, emails, and other social media platform will create a bad impression and no one will want to subscribe to your updates if they think you’re going to spam them.
Slow & Steady Wins the Race
Creating a social media presence is much more than signing up for a Facebook page or a Twitter handle. Social media success is dependent on careful business planning, integrated strategy, business models, and how you’re going to build your social media brand. Start off by learning as much about your target audience as possible as well as the social media system as a whole. Yes, this may take time but the rewards for careful planning and patience will be plentiful on your social media platforms.
Be An Inspiration
Inspiring your social media audience will not only generate attention to your page, but will also make your audiences proactive members of your community. Get to know your audience and learn what inspires them. Knowing this will help you better understand what their needs are, and how you can help them better achieve their goals.
Be Emotionally Healthy & Build Relationships
The old saying goes, “Like attracts like.” With the Internet, having negative audience members and trolls are inevitable aspects of having a social media platform. For the sake of good rapport for your organization, give attention to those who foster positivity on your platforms and ignore the negativity. It’s okay to address legitimate concerns, but know that extremely negative people, or “trolls” are only seeking to get an emotional rise out of you and want attention. Don’t give it to them or else it will look badly on you. Instead, build your relationships with those who are positive and support your organization and know that they are human with lives, jobs, friends, and families. Foster positivity and professionalism by making your posts feel something. Make your audience laugh, cry, feel inspired, anything that is emotionally healthy. This will create a thriving community for your social media platforms.
Be the Teacher
Share your knowledge and expertise with your audience. By sharing your knowledge and experience, you have the ability to change the lives of your audience members and make a positive impact in the community.
The point of social media is for people to connect with one another. Having a social media audience isn’t an opportunity to spam them whenever you would like. Don’t just make a post and walk away, but instead have a conversation with your community by replying to the comment stream on Facebook and responding to tweets in a quick and timely manner. This will tell your audience that you are listening and ready to help whenever possible.
Create the Right Content
Having a strong presence on social media is all about the content that you present. When you have good content, and it is easy to find and marketed to the right people, your audience base will grow organically. Inspire, attract, and connect with your audience by creating good content that is readily available on social media and search engines and there will be results.
Be a Good Listener
The most important thing you can do to grow your social media presence is to be a good listener with the goal to understand. Your audience is your most important tool in growing your brand and organization, and the more you listen, the more you will learn and grow.
Becoming well-versed not only in the mechanics of social media, but also the social etiquette of interacting and engaging with your community, will ensure that you will impress the masses of the social media community and continue to grow in your audience members each day.
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