If you have troubles attracting more visitors to your channel or simply want to maximize your social media interaction, then there are certain things you need to take into account. In this article we’ll present you 10 tips for boosting your presence over social networks:
Make sure that your profile picture is the right size
If potential clients get on your Facebook page and notice that the profile picture is too small or that zoom made it unclear, then you risk making the wrong impression right from the first view. They will think: “If he was not able to make his page look good, then why would I entrust his services?”. There are several online programs that will resize your photos for the different social media platforms.
Include distribution buttons for various social networks
There’s no way to know what your readers prefer when it comes to distributing content, which is why you have to let them choose where and what they want to distribute. Provide them with multiple distribution options. Thus, those who prefer Twitter site will be able to send a tweet , those who are active on Pinterest will post a picture and have a soft spot dedicated to them and Facebook fans will be able to distribute your article to friends in different groups.
Promoting your events
Just because people know about your event on a social network , that does not mean they know how to register or buy tickets.It’s easy for users to click on ” go / I’m going” but this doesn’t mean they are officially enrolled yet.” Event links should include registration!
Use keywords relevant to your niche
SEO and keywords are not a thing of the past . Because search engines show different profiles on social networks in search, their keywords are more important than ever. The more you use a certain keyword, the more likely for your users to associate with that word, in one or more social platforms. Use a Keyword Tool to make sure that your business is associated with a keyword relevant niche.
Encourage customers to leave reviews
Encourage your customers to leave reviews and share the experience they had. This way you’ll know exactly the areas where you have to improve yourself.
Use #hashtags to make your profile stand out
Hashtags are words or phrases that begin with the # symbol , bringing together posts from the same category. Use hashtags which are descriptive for your site in order to maintain a high interest on fans’ side and to attract them in various promotional campaigns.
Be as personal as possible
As communities grow, its more easier than ever for customers to feel that they got lost somewhere in the crowd. In 1936, Dale Carnegie wrote that “The name is the sweetest and most important sound, regardless of language.” This is why it’s always a good idea to use your customers’ name whenever replying to a question (e.g. Hello John,…)
Keep yourself in position and enroll in more social networks
How many new social networks have appeared since you developed your first online marketing strategy? It is possible that a new channel became available in the mean time, one that can help you reach your audience better. Do the services and products that you provide match Pinterest’s approach ? Or maybe Instagram allows you to expand your campaign “range” better by using suggestive photos?
Use multimedia content
Photos, videos, slides and other types of multimedia content are used to create a good impression on social media sites. These sites are turning more on the visual, while text faces a decrease in terms of users’ engagement. Make sure to use multimedia content in order to have a very interesting social media profile.
Your profile: private or not?
Many social networks have settings which allow you to choose if you want your profile to be displayed in search results or not. For example, Pinterest allows you to keep your profile “hidden” from search engines. This option ultimately depends on the exposure you want to get. To ensure that your content appears on search engine searches, go to “Settings” -> ” Search Privacy” and set the value to “Yes”.
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