According to a study that was conducted on over 600 professionals from four different continents, it is imperative that businesses and large corporations determine their CEOs to use social media in the best interest of the company. Over 75% of the chief executive officers all around the world believe that CEOs should be part of social media and should be more active on social networking website, given the wealth of benefits socially active executive can enjoy.
If a CEO is active on social networking websites such as Facebook or Twitter, he or she will not only boost the reputation of the company, but will also increase brand awareness, improve the business result and help the company connect with its audience a lot better.
Chief executive officers are expected to be the most trusted sources of content for their businesses, because social networking websites are a great way for companies to advertise themselves and to attract more prospects. Moreover, CEOs will also become better leaders if they are socially active on the above-mentioned networking sites, and those who steer clear from Facebook and Twitter are not necessarily antisocial – they usually do not have the time for social networking, or they are already in touch with the company’s employees through efficient and trustworthy intranet systems with closed circuit.
On the other hand, many chief executive officers opt to raise awareness of their company through official websites rather than social networks – while this is indeed a wise and efficient move, the power of social media must not be neglected either. This is why CEOs from all around the world must learn how to use digital platforms in their best interest, in order to share videos, content and images and to keep in touch with the prospects. Here are seven tips for CEOs who want to become more socially active on the Internet:
1. The social media-oriented CEO uses a wealth of social tools, not just one. Moreover, he goes one mile further and does not limit himself to one or two occasional messages on Twitter, he distributed the business content over several different channels;
2. The ideal CEO also has a blog that he updates on a constant basis – that blog will offer prospects a deeper insight into the company, into its products and services;
3. The content must be delivered in more than just one format, keeping in mind the myriad of platforms available on the Internet;
4. The CEO that wants to become more socially active should design and promote the content himself, not with the help of a PR team. This will help him connect with the prospects a lot better;
5. The chief executive officer should also keep an open mind when it comes to social media and technology, as they are both changing and evolving at a very fast pace – it is the era of speed and communications that we live in!
6. It is recommended that the CEO is spontaneous and semi-formal, meaning not too friendly but not too professional either. They must always react quickly;
7. Last, but not least, the CEO should put emphasis on the sociability of Facebook and Twitter and to use it not only for advertising and marketing purposes, but for engaging potential stakeholders as well.
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